Exporting trend buffer data

Use the DumpTrend action to export trend buffer data to a .csv file. See "DumpTrend" for the macro parameters details.

The exported .csv file could have different formats defined from the Dump Trend macro parameters. The different formats are maintained mainly for compatibilities reasons.

FileFormat: Compatibility CSV

FileFormat: Compact CSV

Note: The first row of the header contains the tags names and tags data types

FileFormat: Compact CSV with columns' selection

The time required to dump a trend buffer depends on the number of samples present in the buffer, the memory type, and the HMI device type.

Example in the worst conditions

  HMI Type Buffer Size Samples Time  
  Win32 500 Mb 18.078.800 samples (2 tags) 25 Min  
  Linux 50 Mb 1.807.800 samples (2 tags) 4 Min